Monday 25 January 2010

3DS Max Mesh Blocking out

To allow the sculpting within Mudbox I have opted to block out the form in 3D Studio Max. On my company visit I was told that Morpheus use a Maya and Zbrush pipeline for the digital sculpting of toys. I do not know either Maya or Zbrush and it would be unrealistic to have to learn both and produce an outcome! I have therefore opted to use 3D Studio Max for my blocking out (as I know how to use it a little bit) and Mudbox for the sculpting as it's really intuitive and easy to pick up! Below you can see my blocking out renders, although they feature no articulation, something which I would like to model in 3D Studio Max before I render it up. I have also found that I don't like the shoulders when I blocked them in 3D so have opted to amend the design!

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